The leadership of personal values
To be a leader! An intensely debated concept… An attitude desired by many. However, before looking outside and wishing to be a leader for others, we should step right inside our being.
Invitation to freedom
Our thoughts exist in the world around us as forms of energy. These forms of energy interact with others thus our thoughts will influence others and us as well, the process being reciprocal.
The guiding compass
In our life’s journey we are constantly surrounded by the definite command “Establish your clear objectives” as being the holy grail of a destiny filled with success.
Tectonics of personal barriers
We never experience the world directly. We “re-present” it to ourselves through our five senses, building our self-reality.
Conquering your Everest
Slowly or rapidly, according your tempo, you reach the summit and you start shouting-out from the top of your lungs “Evrika”! You are on the top of your world!
Captivity of financial commitments
Most of us took at a certain point in time the decision to become captive. At least once! More or less conscious… And unfortunately, this decision had repercussions on the long term!
History of coaching
Coaching… Old as time in its rudimentary form, risen to an art in current times, probable embraced and self-applied by most of us in the near future…